The new chiropractic retreat led by Dr. Patrick and Laurie Gentempo

I’ve learned a lot these past years. My life, like a magic carpet ride, has taken me to places I could not have imagined. I am often asked if I am forever out of the chiropractic profession. I respond, not only have I not left it, it will never leave me as it lives in my soul and I take it everywhere with me, no matter what I am doing…

When I look back over the years and the thousands and thousands of chiropractors I’ve served on 6 continents, I have a sense of satisfaction and gratitude that is hard to convey. A big part of that reflection lies in the many years and scores of Total Solution (TS) programs I led in the mountains of Colorado.

To “get” what that experience was like for those who spent the 4 days, 8,600 hundred feet high in the Rockies, in every type of weather imaginable, is almost too profound to describe. As the attendees of the program would tell their colleagues, “I can’t explain it.  You just have to be there.”

It’s quite a thing when an experience defies reasonable description. People use words like “life-changing”, “pivotal”, “inflection point”, and so on, but after using these terms, they still don’t quite feel like they effectively communicated with the other person. So typically they’d simply say, “just sign up and go!”  

And the real fun for the TS grad who sent their friend was waiting for the colleague to come home with the light in their eyes and excitement in their soul, sharing gratitude for the referral!  

Then there’d be some laughs and deep conversation as two humans had a knowing based on an experience shared that was unique and deeply meaningful.

Not much of this is left in the world today. Anywhere.

I miss those experiences. Dozens and dozens of programs and thousands and thousands of graduates and every single one of those programs was seismic and every individual forever changed.  

Myself and the rest of the team left it all on the field each time. Gave more than we thought we had. In our exhaustion was a dizzying joy. We’d go home. Celebrate. Recover. And then do it again.

Well, as I said, I’ve learned a lot these past years. What I’ve learned has taken me several levels ahead in my life. A lot of this upgraded version of me comes from what I learned from my wife, Laurie. She is a master in the meditation and mindfulness realm and that ‘stuff’ becomes critical if you want to Evolve in your life. I don’t want to keep it all to myself. I want to serve you with it.


I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and reflecting. I’ve had numerous conversations with Laurie about the journey we’ve been on.

And a decision was made. It’s time to take inventory of what we had achieved through all those Total Solution retreats and take it all to the next level!

Here’s what I have in mind…

With Laurie, I am going to lead a brand-new retreat for chiropractors, limited to 90 people.

This retreat is NOT for someone who is barely surviving. It is advanced.  

Once a chiropractor is past survival and has mastered the money-making game to a point where they don’t worry about paying the bills, it’s time to ask the deeper questions and find some answers.

EVOLVE Inspirational
EVOLVE Inspirational


I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and reflecting. I’ve had numerous conversations with Laurie about the journey we’ve been on.

And a decision was made. It’s time to take inventory of what we had achieved through all those Total Solution retreats and take it all to the next level!

Here’s what I have in mind…

With Laurie, I am going to lead a brand-new retreat for chiropractors, limited to 100 people.

This retreat is NOT for someone who is barely surviving. It is advanced.  

Once a chiropractor is past survival and has mastered the money-making game to a point where they don’t worry about paying the bills, it’s time to ask the deeper questions and find some answers.

Water Drop

It is about meaning.

It is about identity.

It is about gratitude.

It is about greater purpose.

It is about having more fun.

It is about creating magic.

It is about living your daydream, every day.

It is about it being easy, not hard.

It is about things being better than you can imagine.

It’s about being on a magic carpet ride.

It’s about meaning… 

I know I wrote meaning twice. That’s because it all starts and ends with meaning.

I’ve learned a lot these past 15 years. Truth be told, I am a different person today. I love that younger version of myself… the hard-driving, purpose-driven, force of nature that I was.

But now I have more ‘space’, more fun, and I am more effective.

I have more context. I have evolved…

We all need to evolve. But most don’t. They are the same person, running the same patterns.  

There can be successful patterns when it comes to business, but it doesn’t take much consideration to realize that in order to become a successful human, we need to evolve over time. Gain more wisdom. Grow spiritually.

So why don’t we, who share the same values, who love our lives, who want to grow…

Why don’t we get together with that agenda, that purpose.

If you haven’t guessed it, I am calling this retreat – EVOLVE

This is your invitation.

Here is a quick outline of what the experience will entail:


This is a chapter in the new book I am writing. I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about and writing on the topic of identity. Our sense of identity is fundamentally the most impactful thing when it comes to how we experience life and what we achieve.  

Many of my lectures throughout the years have addressed the issue of “who to be” versus “what to do”, as has my best-selling book, Your Stand is Your Brand.  But now it’s time to take it to the next level. Going deeper. Getting clearer.

The subject of identity is such a paradox. Is there a permanent you? If you evolve to a new version of you, then does that mean your identity is not permanent? Are you your body, mind or thoughts? Are you the aspect of you that can observe your thoughts? 

Can we decide who we want to be and create a new identity? I think you get the idea. Getting a powerful grasp on what identity is (and isn’t) and spending time shaping who you are and want to be is, well, life-changing. It literally brings into reality a new and better future. So yeah, we are going to spend some time on this. The impact of this session alone is worth more than the ‘price of admission’.


Over these past years, I have learned the unmatched impact of non-ordinary states of consciousness’. This catch-all phrase refers to a state of mind and awareness that is outside of your default states of consciousness.  

We’ve all minimally experienced these in a transient way. We’ve been in the “ZONE”, that flow state where we are empowered, creatively explosive… like when we are adjusting and catalyzing healing, on some insane level.

Maybe you’ve practiced some form of meditation, where you get to a state of consciousness that is expansive and magical. Mystical.

Maybe you’ve experienced psychedelics, legal or illegal, that brought you to deep insights or states of super-consciousness that gave you transformative awareness.

I’ve experienced all of this and more. And the impact on my life has been immeasurable.  

In this one-of-a-kind session, we will dig into this topic. There is so much more to what it means to be alive than simple, limited default reality and default consciousness. I’ve learned that by creating the outcomes I want ‘energetically’, they tend to happen in an ‘easier than I can imagine’ way.


Because out of all the philosophical premises Laurie and I together hold, our # 1 premise is: FORM FOLLOWS ENERGY

It’s that simple… and that powerful.

As a part of this session, I have created a guided meditation, specifically for the EVOLVE experience that goes home with you and serves you for life.


Laurie and I have spent decades setting objectives, clarifying goals, reviewing it all daily, driving it all in accountability groups, etc. And this is all something that is essential to master if you want to go from startup to creating a successful business. 

But should this be it for the rest of our lives? Till you do this thing I don’t understand called ‘retire’? Or have you earned a new mode of life? One that can surprise and delight you? One where you just hold space for something great to happen that is unexpected. 

Rather than ‘hitting the goal’, what if things could be better than you can plan for? What if it all can be easier than you imagined?

We call that the “Magic Carpet Ride”. Laurie and I stepped onto the Magic Carpet in 2018. It has taken us to places we couldn’t have imagined. We are excited to share it all with you!


You probably already own my book by this title. Hopefully you read it. It was a Wall Street Journal and USA Today best-seller. Who cares? I’m just saying the book got popular for a reason…

It’s good.

As a part of the EVOLVE experience, I am going to do something I have never done before… a workshop on the chapters of the book.   

Nobody gets to leave this experience without getting clear on what stand(s) they are taking. Taking a stand and having meaning in life are directly related.


This workshop is being led by my better half, Laurie Gentempo. Laurie is low key and shies away from the ‘stage’. In the past years she has individually trained some close friends on her signature “DAYDREAM” process which teaches how to build your ideal life by building your ideal day. The results have been magnificent.

With a little coaxing from me, Laurie will, for the first time, run a group workshop on this process. It is profound in its simplicity and impact. It is a sort of ‘far-side simplicity’ that can only come from a master. And in the realm of creating a life you love, make no mistake, Laurie is a true master.


I am awed by the power of the mind and the mystery of consciousness. Much of     my time is spent studying and practicing in this arena. It is truly the final frontier. One of the great benefits of being out of survival in your career and life is that it liberates you in a way that allows you to explore the higher frequencies of consciousness. Survival consciousness keeps you stuck in figuring out how to simply survive. Creativity consciousness opens a door to experiences and outcomes you can’t imagine when you’re in survival.

It’s beautiful. It makes you a better healer and all-around person.

And it’s uniquely human…

This session, one of our favorites, explores our framework and practices related to raising the frequency of your consciousness and creating creativity!

The roles of meditation and prayer are of course a part of this. There are different versions of these practices that need to be explored. And we made a custom meditation specifically for this event that you will take home with you.


I will also introduce you to a practice that has 10Xed my meditation and creativity experiences… microdosing. I can’t write more about this here, but I am excited to share this tool with you. For now, let me just say that some of these tools may involve easy-to-acquire less-than-legal substances, but there are also completely legal ways to achieve the same thing.

This one session will reveal practices that can massively upgrade your life!


As much as it is necessary to have a plan, an agenda, that is well structured and executed for an experience like EVOLVE, I also know there is magic in the present moment. Creating space for spontaneous interaction, I have learned, is a must.  

I am a fan of synchronicity. This means that the people who show up are not there randomly or by accident. And when we all get together, powerful things will emerge that we did not plan for, unless of course, we don’t hold space for ‘something great to happen’. So each day, we will have MAGIC OF THE MOMENT sessions, where the synergy of the group will spontaneously combust into unplanned greatness.

Okay, so here are the details…

Date: April 24-27th, 2025

Location: The Nature Place in Florissant, Colorado

If you haven’t yet, be sure to watch the 3-min video at the top of the page to learn more about Evolve.

For more information about the event, please email your contact info to [email protected] or book a call here.



Your $4400 investment in the EVOLVE experience includes all sessions, program materials and meals.

Your travel and lodging are paid by you separately. We limit the attendance to 100 participants to preserve exclusivity and impact.

The Nature Place offers rooms constructed with natural woods and surrounded by the spectacular beauty of the surrounding mountains.

You can view them here.

We can help you coordinate sharing a room or house with other attendees.  To inquire about this, please contact our executive director, Selina at [email protected] or via phone at (312) 856-2989.

This program is not for a chiropractor that has no cash reserves and is struggling to pay the bills every month. However, all practices go through cycles so if you’ve known success and are just in a tough cycle right now, this actually might be the thing that breaks you free. In the end, only you can decide if you’re ready for a program like this – meaning – are you ready to let go of the old version of you and have a strong desire to evolve into something greater and more meaningful?

If you are in a committed relationship, we HIGHLY recommend you do this as a couple. And there is a discount for doing so (see “fees” above).

Also, if you want to bring your significant other to the resort but they don’t attend the EVOLVE program (again we recommend they do) – that’s fine. They can room with you and you are welcome to buy the meal plan for them for a $600 fee.

To reserve your spot, please fill in the form below. We expect the EVOLVE event to sell out, so spots are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis. We will follow up with you for payment details.

By clicking Submit, you agree to the Terms and Privacy Policy and agree to receive future email communications.

If you’re interested in attending but the November 9-12, 2023 dates don’t work for you, please fill out the form below and we’ll contact you first when we release additional dates.

By clicking Submit, you agree to the Terms and Privacy Policy and agree to receive future email communications.

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